Mini Worlds was an initiative by the Indian Schools Debating Society (ISDS) to encourage and promote international (high-school) debating tournaments within India and the South Asian region. Mini Worlds 2019 was the first international World Schools Debating Championship (WSDC) style tournament to take place in India where 12 top national debating teams from around the world competed for the title.
As an international debating event being hosted and conducted in India, it stood to represent debating excellence, friendship and camaraderie besides, offering a means to experience the vibrant art and culture of South India. The event was a concerted effort by the Indian Schools Debating Society (ISDS) and their sponsor, the Ramco Group of Companies, to welcome and promote competitive debating from around the world within India.
The overall character of the event and its identity was visualized to communicate a spirit of friendship, a youthful vibrancy and the cultural-scape of Chennai city. Beyond showcasing debating excellence, the tournament fostered friendship, camaraderie, and an immersive experience of South India’s vibrant art and culture. It was a milestone in promoting competitive debating on an international scale within the region.
3 colored spheres, integral to the identity design, were used to torch-bear the branding of the event. They represented the 3 mini worlds coming together for the event while also being suggestive of speech mikes. The diagonal type alignment in the identity, specifically, lent it a dynamic and competitive quality. Plus, the vibrant, myriad culture of Chennai was brought alive by imagery presented through the window of India.
Messaging was centred around Tamil to bring familiarity and focus to the native and historical language of Chennai and India. By highlighting the historical and native significance of the region, we were able to contribute to creating an event that resonated with global participants while staying deeply rooted in its local heritage.