Empowering Young Voices:
The Branding of ISDS [Chennai]

  • Client Indian Schools Debating Society (ISDS) / Industry Education / Category Branding, Web + Mobile, Digital and Social Media Marketing / Launch Site indianschoolsdebatingsociety.com

The Indian Schools Debating Society (ISDS) is a not-for-profit organization that aims to take competitive debating to students across India. A pioneer in the ‘World Schools Debating Championship’ (WSDC) format of debating, ISDS continually trains young Indians with the assistance of best debaters from around the world, creating a new pool of fierce Indian debaters that have served at the helm of the organization since late 2014.

Crafting ISDS's Unified Identity

With ISDS being a national organization that represents school debating from India, our job has been to clearly communicate to a broad audience, its vision, values, history & events. Besides structuring content hierarchically and linking all of ISDS’s information entities, including achievements, into a single, unified whole, we have engaged in creating their printed collateral, event branding, website to digital and social media marketing.

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